Friday, January 8, 2010


Now for the good news, Pushead has done it again!!
May I introduce..............
52 weeks blue crete crawling siamese glow twin skullpirate
#3 in the 52 week series, #2 being the Vitamin C Skull Captain 2007, and #1 was the "Raider Pirate" 2006
Released December 22nd 2009 through Secretbase, Japan.
Take 2 pirates, amputate the legs, join them at the hips, and have them glow baby blue in the dark, and you have a award winning figure, (or should I say figures)

My pictures do not do this piece justice. If you collect Pus, you need to pick this figure up.

Personal setback

Just a little update on my personal life. In Nov. 2009 I found out that I have colon cancer, stage 3. After 1 colonoscopy, two Cat scans, 1 Ultrasound, numerous blood test, and a EKG, I was declared to be perfectly healthy for a 50 year old, with the exception of the tumor in my lower colon (go figure). I am scheduled to have a port put into my chest next week, for the Chemo to be pumped in, and start full Chemo & Radiation treatment the following week.

When I 1st got the news it sucked, but my Doctors, said I have a excellent chance on beating it. Needless to say I am not gonna roll over and give up. I plan on staying around to torment my kids for another 20 years or so. A ton of people have been praying for me, and the faith that my wife & I have will carry us through.

The real drag is that I have 12 weeks of Chemo & Radiation (5 days a week) to shrink the tumor, then surgery to remove it and 6-8 weeks recovery from that, then back on Chemo & Radiation for another 4 or 5 months to make sure it's gone. It's gonna be a long strenuous year.
Judy (my wife) has been so supportive, and has been to every Dr. visit with me, and puts up with me when I have issues dealing with the pain.

SDCC is out of the question this year again, because I can't miss any of my treatments. So...... I guess we'll shoot for 2011 instead.

I will continue to post pics of new items I get, and update my condition, for the 4 or 5 people who check my blog LOL. Please keep me in your thoughts & prayers.
